All SPARC services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis for UBC-led applications and depend on capacity. We encourage faculty, especially new ones, to get in touch early to benefit from our services.
We ask that faculty with access to multiple strategic grant development service providers, such as Faculty-based Grant Facilitators and the BCCHR's Research & Technology Development Office, select only one to work with so that we can collectively support as many UBC researchers as possible.
SPARC Exploration Grant contact: Kelly Cubbon, Research Development Officer
Consultations (by request)
- 1:1 Exploration Grant consultations are available to all UBC-led applications. Common topics include appropriateness and competitiveness of the proposed topic, and understanding the selection criteria.
Contact Kelly Cubbon
Full Application Stage: Application review
Fall 2024 Submission dates will be announced shortly.
- Criteria and editorial review of the proposal (4 pages), team bio (2 pages), references (5 pages), EDI-RD text box (if applicable), EDI-RP sections, and budget justification (1 page).
- Reviews are on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to one review per application.
Please send documents in MS Word Format
Online Resources and Sample Grants
- CWL-protected resources, including information session slides, templates and guidelines/tips, and a sample grant library.
Request Access Here (for users without adequate CWL permissions) or contact Christy McTait with enquiries.
Events and Workshops
NFRF hosts webinars for both the NOI and Full Application stages. Slides, recordings, and Q&A will be posted on the SPARC NFRF Resource page as soon as we receive them.