NSERC Discovery Horizons Grant





The NSERC Discovery Horizons program is designed to support investigator-initiated individual and team projects that broadly integrate or transcend disciplines to advance knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Application Process

The 2024 competition has a mandatory Letter of Intent (LOI) deadline (June 14, 2024), with invited applicants due to submit their full application in October. Applicants should consult the relevant ORS guidelines for their campus to confirm internal review and submission guidelines. 

In the pilot competition, NSERC is expecting to award approximately 10–20 grants, valued from $50K–$100K per year, with a duration of up to 5 years.

Sponsor Site


 August to October


Support and Resources

One-on-One Consultation

Our team can provide advice on developing your letter of intent as well as your application in advance of the corresponding deadlines. Limited availability.

Contact Us


Our team can provide comprehensive reviews of letters of intent for UBC-led applications in advance of the corresponding deadlines. Limited availability.

Contact Us

Online Resources

Check out our resources curated specifically for UBC researchers. CWL is required to view.

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Mark Phillipo
Research Development Officer

SPARC support services

Alexander Unterberger
Manager of Research Development

SPARC support services

Dr. Purang Abolmaesumi
Sciences and Engineering Research Advisor, UBC

Advocacy and advice

UBC's Grant Facilitation Network
Research support personnel based in the faculties
See list

Various grant support


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