Announcements + Updates
July 15, 2021
Register for SSHRC Insight Grant Internal Peer Review
Registration is now open SSHRC Insight Grant 2021 Internal Peer Review. Interested applicants should register online by the deadline of July 26, 2021. Please note, a draft one page summary of your project is required as part of the registration process. Please visit the page…
July 6, 2021
SPARC Support for NSERC Discovery Grant Notification of Intent to Apply
In support of the NSERC Discovery Grant competition, SPARC will provide reviews of Notifications of Intent to Apply (NOI) from UBC faculty submitting to this year’s competition. Please contact Alexander Unterberger for a review. For UBCO applicants, please contact Denise Maines. NOIs are…
July 5, 2021
Support for SSHRC's ICF Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy
SPARC is offering reviews of submission to the upcoming SSHRC's Imagining Canada's Future Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy - Stage 1, Virtual Workshop. Reviews will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, as capacity allows, up to Tuesday, July 13th at 4:30pm. Please…
June 18, 2021
Sample Grant Library Updated with NSERC Grants
The SPARC Sample Grant Library has been updated with sample full applications and notifications of intent to apply from the Fall 2020 NSERC Discovery Grant and Research Tools & Instrument competitions. Sample grants are a valuable resource for applicants preparing for the Fall 2021 NSERC…
June 17, 2021
CIHR Project Grant - Mock Review Toolkit Pilot Initiative - Post Meeting Evaluation Template
Your feedback matters. The following survey seeks to assess the effectiveness of the CIHR Mock Review Toolkit. Please take a moment to reflect on the training materials, drop-in sessions, pre-simulation and simulation meetings and your overall experience in the pilot program. Please note…
May 11, 2021
NSERC Discovery Horizons
On May 5th NSERC announced the official launch of the Discovery Horizons grants, with a Letter of Intent deadline of June 15th 2021. The objective of this pilot funding opportunity is to support investigator-initiated individual and team Discovery research projects that broadly integrate…
March 31, 2021
New NSERC Alliance Sample Grant Library
SPARC is pleased to announce the launch of a sample grant library of Alliance grants awarded at UBC, under both Option 1 and 2 of the program. Accessible through our CWL-protected Sharepoint site, the grants vary in size, nature of partnership, and span a range of research fields. Please check…
February 2, 2021
A Fond Farewell: Goodbye, SPARC Connects, and Hello, Research Digest
In a follow-up to our extra newsletter edition on January 28, below we provide a little more information about SPARC website enhancements. We want to be sure that the UBC research community is readily able to access the information they’re looking for – from program updates and current…
February 2, 2021
Integration of SPARC Connects into UBC's Research Digest
We are always looking for new and better ways to serve the UBC research community. It is with this in mind that we want to inform you that we will be integrating the content of SPARC Connects into UBC’s Research Digest.