General Information Fiscal Year Reporting - None -2021/20222022/20232023/20242024/2025 Faculty SelectApplied ScienceArtsEducationForestryLand and Food SystemsPeter A. Allard School of LawSauder School of BusinessUBCO 1. How many internal funding programs does your unit support (wholly or in part) with SIG funds? (e.g. providing matching funds for Bridge Funding awards, a conference travel grant competition). 2. How many peer review committees exist to adjudicate the above programs? 3a. Regarding the above committees, please indicate the number of members by category: Social Sciences 3b. Regarding the above committees, please indicate the number of members by category: Humanities 3c. Regarding the above committees, please indicate the number of members by category: Other (Specify, e.g. field of study, # of members) Please include the field of study and the number of peer review committee members. 4a. Based on the categories below, and the information in your SIG Activity Report excel spreadsheet, indicate the percentage of grant funds allocated to SSHRC Explore Grant: % Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable; Do not include "%" in your response, only type in a number. 4b. Based on the categories below, and the information in your SIG Activity Report excel spreadsheet, indicate the percentage of grant funds allocated to SSHRC Exchange Grant: % Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable; Do not include "%" in your response, only type in a number. Grant Outcomes 1a. How many College Students have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? (Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable) 1b. How many Undergraduate Students have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? (Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable) 1c. How many Master's Students have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? (Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable) 1d. How many Doctoral Students have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? (Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable) 1e. How many Postdoctoral Researchers have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? (Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable) 1f. How many other non-students have been supported through your unit’s SIG funded grants? e.g., technician, professional research associate; Please enter ‘0’ if not applicable 2. How many research products have resulted from your unit’s SIG funded grants? Research Products may include traditional academic outputs such as peer-reviewed articles, books, conference presentations, etc., as well as other knowledge mobilization activities. Contact Information Your Name Your Job Title Your Email Address Please provide your contact information