NSERC's New Partnerships Program Information/Discussion Session
December 13 - December 30, 2024
On Thursday, December 13, from 1:00pm–3:00pm SPARC and Tim Salcudean, VPRI’s Sciences & Engineering Research Advisor, will host an information/discussion session about the new NSERC Partnerships Program. The event will feature a short presentation outlining the proposed changes to the Partnerships Program, support plans for the new programs and ample time for discussion, including collecting feedback on the program to pass on to NSERC.
We encourage all interested faculty and staff to review the draft program changes in advance of the event. NSERC is also accepting feedback directly from the community via email until January 2 2019.
Please complete the information below to register for this event. Colleagues at UBC Okanagan are welcome to attend and participate through videoconference. Location and videoconference details will be made available to registrants.