Opportunity to provide feedback regarding CIHR implementation of ResearchNet security enhancements

September 2, 2022

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is committed to protecting its systems and the privacy and personal information of its users. To do so, they must comply with the Government of Canada's Policy on Service and Digital (Appendix: Account Management Configuration Requirements), which requires the implementation of multi-factor authentication.

As you may be aware, CIHR delayed the July 2022 deployment of this enhancement. They would like to to hear from the research community about about how this change will impact their use of ResearchNet. We hope you will consider sharing your thoughts and the thoughts of your colleagues towards using multifactor authentication for ResearchNet.

Please submit your feedback directly by email to university.delegates@cihr-irsc.gc.ca, before Monday, September 19, 2022. 

Please consider the following questions:

  • How, if at all, would the implementation of multifactor authentication to ResearchNet change how you use the system? 
  • We have heard from some members of the community that some support staff require access to ResearchNet accounts to support the delegation of tasks (i.e., uploading documents, filling in administrative information, etc.). How common is the practice?
  • In addition to application processes, are there other ResearchNet uses that may be impacted, for example peer review functions, end-of-grant reporting, etc.?
  • Has multifactor authentication been implemented for systems you use commonly at your institutions or for other funders (i.e., by other funding partners, Institution systems, etc.)?
  • If yes, how does it work and how do you handle that process?
  • Are there other scenarios or considerations you would like to highlight for CIHR that may cause challenges or obstacles towards your use of ResearchNet?

CIHR would greatly appreciate any insights towards your experience that you might be willing to share.

Please submit your feedback directly by email to university.delegates@cihr-irsc.gc.ca, before Monday, September 19, 2022

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