New SSH Partnership Funding Opportunity

June 27, 2019

Fostering Research Partnerships Fund: A Pilot General Research Fund (GRF) Competition

The Fostering Research Partnerships Fund (FRPF) is a pilot program to support early conversations between researchers and potential non-academic partners (public, private, and not-for-profit organizations) to pursue opportunities for collaboration. While researchers from any faculty may apply, only projects that advance the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) will be funded.  

Applications will be evaluated based on the merit of the question or challenge to be addressed and the specificity of the plans for engagement with the partner organization. Engagement may include—but is not limited to—activities such as brainstorming lunches, workshops, and travel to communities.

The SSH research community has noted a gap in support to build relationships and co-create funding proposals—these $2-4K GRF grants are meant to help to fill that gap with low-barrier funding for engagement activities.

Deadline: Applications will be adjudicated on a rolling basis until August 15, 2019.

Maximum Grant Amount: $4,000

Maximum Grant Length: 1 Year (no extensions will be given)

Priorities and Eligibility

First priority will be given to applicants who do not hold Partnership Engage Grant (PEG) or Partnership Development Grant (PDG) funding. Second priority will be given to current PEG holders who are seeking to build new research partnerships. Third priority will be given to current PDG holders who are seeking to build new research partnerships. Current holders of Partnership Grants (Stage 1 or 2) are not eligible to apply.

Before or during the engagement activity, all successful applicants must meet with SPARC to discuss potential avenues for future funding. Please note that FRPF is meant to fund early engagement with potential partners and, as such, funding will not be extended beyond the grant end date.

Application Requirements

To be considered for funding, applicants must submit the following components. The links in this section will lead you to the application forms. Please complete, save, and upload the PDFs below. Be sure to save a copy for your records, and do let us know if you have technical difficulties. Click here for a downloadable version of the application instructions.  

1. Application Form (click here to download)

2. Partner Organization Form: Identification and Signature (click here to download)

3. Budget Justification (max 1 page - free form)
Budget Justification instructions: This is a free form document with a maximum of 1 page. Itemize, describe, and provide a rationale for all costs associated with the engagement activity. Please note that this grant does not fund direct costs of research. For example, it may fund travel to engagement events and basic event coordination activities, but not research activities such as the development of literature reviews. Note that all costs must also adhere to UBC Finance regulations.

4. Research Project Information Form (RPIF - click here to download)
Please note: in this case, an Office of Research Services (ORS) signature is not required before submission. Other signatures (department heads, deans, et c.) are required as indicated in the RPIF.

Please send any questions or comments to Erica Machulak ( 


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