Funded 1-Year Extensions Available for NSERC Alliance Grant Holders

August 21, 2023

Effective August 21, 2023, NSERC is introducing a straightforward process for requesting a one-time, one-year extension with additional funding for Alliance Option 1 grants:

"NSERC recognizes that opportunities to increase the impact of results may arise as your Alliance projects unfold. Effective August 21, 2023, NSERC is introducing a straightforward process for requesting a one-time, one-year extension with additional funding for Alliance option 1 grants.

An extension with additional funding is suitable for active projects under cost-sharing option 1 that uncover new opportunities as the original award nears completion. This period of additional funding will help researchers unlock the full potential of the project and support continued collaboration among the grantees and partner organizations while they develop a new research proposal.

To request an extension with funding, the partner organizations must be willing to continue their involvement in the project and to provide additional cash contributions. Grantees may request that NSERC match the partner’s additional cash contributions at the grant’s original cost-sharing ratio, up to the average annual amount originally awarded by NSERC. This opportunity is available only if the initial period of your grant was one to four years (five-year grants are excluded). For more information, see During your research project."


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